Full control over your company's printing requirements
We will create your own secure print portal . . .
easily personalise and order any printed product you care to add
ideal for companies needing to order in-house products
co-brand your print to increase your marketing potential
What We Offer
We listen, then provide the solution you need
Medium / Large companies
internal print needs
Does this sound familiar? - You need a business card, so contact the one person who can arrange it. Of course, they have other priorities. Eventually they set about the task but want other business card orders at the same time. When the other orders appear they contact a printer. The printer then has to supply a proof. That takes time as they have other orders. The proof is eventually sent back. Guess what? Your contact is busy and this proof is not their top priority . . .". So on and on it goes. Will you ever get the business cards!
Maybe you are the person arranging this. Take control back. Supply an existing card to us and we will set you up with your bespoke print portal. Simply select the member of staff who requires a card and click on the template, or let them do it themselves. Done! Even take control over the design process and add countless other products. Clever and efficient. Just like yourself.
Co-Branding for companies selling through agents
If you have a product that relies on other companies selling it then you may currently print a huge number of leaflets, and send them to each and every partner/agent. The partner is then expected to distribute this to your potential customers. But they don't. This is not for lack of trying. They can only distribute from within their own premises as the literature only ever leads back to the umbrella company and the partner misses out. PrintHubPro will co-brand your marketing and your partners will distribute to a wider audience as potential customers are led back to your partner. A fantastic incentive for the partner to distribute wider. This is also an incentive for the customer as they are more likely to buy from a local company they know and respect rather than a large company they may not have heard of and do not necessarily trust (sorry). PrintHubPro can set up a print portal where either you control what your partners receive, or they can do this themselves. The whole process is automated and will increase your return on investment. You really need to talk to us as soon as possible.
Multi-level marketing companies
How much did your company spend on creating a great brand? How quickly do your agents decide there are easier and cheaper ways to order printed products and completely disregard the brand rules? These are rhetorical questions as we already know the answers.
PrintHubPro allows you to easily add your own printed products, from business card to glossy brochure, and allow your agents to personalise them with their own details. Importantly, you also have control over what they can and can't alter, therefore protecting the integrity of your brand.
Now your agents have a convenient and inexpensive way to order your approved marketing material and reach more customers. That sounds like a win for you, a win for the agent, and a win for all the new customers enjoying your offerings. All you need to do is contact us and we will make it happen.
You don't know if you don't ask
PrintHubPro has been developed as a totally open tool and the options available are far too numerous to mention.
If you have a issue within your company or organisation that is related to printing of any sort, or you have identified an opportunity, then call us.
We will listen to your issue/opportunity and work with you to find the answer.
So much to say, such little space to say it . . .
Try these sites for a flavourof what we can do for you
120 Main Street
Largs KA30 8JN, UK
01475 675158